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Ivano Marescotti on Netflix

Last updated May 15, 2024

The Passion of the Christ Poster

The Passion of the Christ

2004 | NR | 3.8 out of 5 Stars

Oscar-winning actor-director Mel Gibson helms this controversial epic that focuses on the last 12 hours of Jesus's life -- from the betrayal, trial and death of Jesus to his brutal crucifixion and resurrection from the tomb. Starring Jim Caviezel as Jesus, Maia Morgenstern as Jesus's mother and Monica Bellucci as Mary Magdalene, The Passion is spoken entirely in Latin and Aramaic, and the violent Crucifixion scenes are incredibly graphic.
Details about The Passion of the Christ

Hannibal Poster


2001 | NR | 3.6 out of 5 Stars

Anthony Hopkins returns as serial killer Hannibal Lecter -- one of the great villains in screen history -- in this riveting sequel that finds his only surviving victim trying to draw Lecter out of hiding by using FBI agent Clarice Starling as bait.
Details about Hannibal

Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini Poster

Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini

1993 | NR | 2.8 out of 5 Stars

Antonio Banderas stars as Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in this provocative biopic originally produced for Italian television. Following the rise and fall of one of the most infamous political figures in modern history, the film traces Mussolini's journey from his days as a young star of the Socialist Party to his years as a proponent of government fascism and ally of Adolf Hitler, a relationship that would ultimately cost him his life.
Details about Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini

Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini Poster

Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini

1993 | NR | 2.8 out of 5 Stars

Antonio Banderas stars as Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in this provocative biopic originally produced for Italian television. Following the rise and fall of one of the most infamous political figures in modern history, the film traces Mussolini's journey from his days as a young star of the Socialist Party to his years as a proponent of government fascism and ally of Adolf Hitler, a relationship that would ultimately cost him his life.
Details about Benito: The Rise and Fall of Mussolini



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